“The most exciting vocal group in a generation,” Windborne’s captivating show draws on the sin...
Dean Calin
Dean Calin is the founder of Bounding Main, having assembled a group of talented environmental theater performers in 2003. Dean invited members based on showmanship and personality, not being musically skilled enough to assemble a group by vocal range. This has forced the music director to wrestle complex arrangements out of two tenors, two altos and a baritone – a talented and hard-working group, indeed. All of the members are skilled improvisationalists so in addition to their well-known arrangements they are a humorous group between songs, too.
Dean performed at both environmental and conventional theaters and theme parks in the Chicago area from the 70s through the 00s as an actor, writer and director, with a smattering of experience in costuming and stage combat. While he had previously sung for acting roles, his departure as a vocalist with Bounding Main was a welcome opportunity.
As a sales and marketing professional in the commercial aerospace industry he was able to apply his skills to develop and maintain the Bounding Main website and to identify and book most of the group’s gigs since 2003.
Dean works on a freelance basis for commercial aerospace distributors and resellers, developing distribution lines, designing maintenance platforms for aircraft and managing the company’s marketing. He also does freelance marketing and IT work.
United Kingdom
By the early 2010s, along with three singing mates (Vaughan Hully, Des Patalong and Clive Brooks) Al...
United Kingdom
Arthur William Garnett is a well-regarded veteran of the maritime music world. He was an original me...
Sea shanties were the work songs of sailors before the invention of steam driven ships. They were us...
Strikes A Bell sings sea chanteys and maritime music. Based in Seattle, Washington, Strikes A Bell i...
A musical journey back in time, inspired by riverboats, tin-pan alley, and sea chanties, fueled by w...
United Kingdom
Because of changes in the personal circumstances of several of the members of the group, after a gre...
United Kingdom
He was born in Hoylake, Cheshire, England, to Henry James Hugill and Florence Mary Hugill (née Sout...
United Kingdom
We’re happy to say that, at last, fro...
United Kingdom
Comprising the musical talents of Anna Cornish, Eleanor Dale, and Pete Truin. Rousing folk songs. ...
United Kingdom
Malcolm and Pete, both well established figures on the Kent Folk scene, will be performing together ...
The Sokkenbuurtzeemanskoor from Ugchelen. Enthusiastic bringers of a varied repertoire from Irish fo...
The New York Packet was established over 30 years ago as the official maritime singing group of Sout...
The world's funnest shanty gang! Farsund Shantykor - the choir whose purpose is to promote interes...
The forty-person choir is led by a female conductor and is dressed in the typical sailor's outfit of...
Chanting Lads is a group of five men who enjoy challenging themselves in harmonious singing and musi...
Here are two multi-instrumentalist friends (Paul Grollier: vocals, diatonic accordions, concertinas,...
The Mutineers – a mixed group of buoys and gulls who perform traditional seafaring, pop, folk and ...
The Barbary Ghosts was a San Francisco-based band that blended folk and maritime songs into its repe...
United Kingdom
We are the Motley Tones! The Mid-Atlantic's Premiere Purveyors of Music+Mayhem. We have pub shows, s...