“The most exciting vocal group in a generation,” Windborne’s captivating show draws on the sin...
Dean Calin
Dean Calin is the founder of Bounding Main, having assembled a group of talented environmental theater performers in 2003. Dean invited members based on showmanship and personality, not being musically skilled enough to assemble a group by vocal range. This has forced the music director to wrestle complex arrangements out of two tenors, two altos and a baritone – a talented and hard-working group, indeed. All of the members are skilled improvisationalists so in addition to their well-known arrangements they are a humorous group between songs, too.
Dean performed at both environmental and conventional theaters and theme parks in the Chicago area from the 70s through the 00s as an actor, writer and director, with a smattering of experience in costuming and stage combat. While he had previously sung for acting roles, his departure as a vocalist with Bounding Main was a welcome opportunity.
As a sales and marketing professional in the commercial aerospace industry he was able to apply his skills to develop and maintain the Bounding Main website and to identify and book most of the group’s gigs since 2003.
Dean works on a freelance basis for commercial aerospace distributors and resellers, developing distribution lines, designing maintenance platforms for aircraft and managing the company’s marketing. He also does freelance marketing and IT work.
United Kingdom
Friggitt are a shanty trio from Wiltshire who perform all sorts of songs connected with the sea and ...
We keep the love for sea shanties and celtic music in our hearts and perform it with a rock'n'roll s...
Why do we call ourselves "Stork Islanders"?
In the "old days", when ships were made of wood and men...
United Kingdom
Pete and Anna is Pete Truin and Anna Cornish performing as a duo. Pete was performing with The Balli...
Songs of the sea and sea shanties songwriter...
To date Roger has 170 compositions of which a goo...
United Kingdom
The Cornish have a proud tradition of expressing their loves, beliefs, hopes and fears through music...
Accompanied by guitar, violin and drawstring bag, Drijfhout (English: "driftwood"...
United Kingdom
Early in the Millennium Derek Gifford also joined forces with Geoff Higginbottom and Keith Kendrick ...
Knowing each other for many years, the three friends became a group, when they began playing every S...
Manu Moreau is one of the most talented and well-liked figures on the contemporary maritime music sc...
Warp Four can trace its origins back to two acappella groups formed in the 1960s and 1970s (Garland ...
Philippe Noirel of Les Soullés de fond de Cale and Philippe Rouxel performed under this name at the...
United Kingdom
Four'n'Aft was an English, close harmony quartet with Ian Tupling, Chris Lock, Helen Pitt and Steve ...
United Kingdom
Harry Lowry is a well-regarded veteran of the maritime music world. He was an original member of the...
Brownie Macintosh is an internationally published songwriter/author with a gold record to ...
In a very acoustic atmosphere, French songs but not only...Renaud, Brassens, Lavilliers, HK and the ...
United Kingdom
Monkeys Fist is the trio of Steve Flude, Colin Devey and John Horsey, performing traditional and con...
As well as performing solo, David Jones has sung with Heather Wood and the late Tom Gibney as Poor O...
Alison Kelley grew up singing traditional music as a chantey brat at South Street Seaport. She was a...