Another Essex crew, from the Blackwater estuary village of Goldhanger, the Goldhanger Shanty Crew ev...
Groups and Solo Performers
'Nankersey' is the old Cornish name for the village of Flushing, near Falmouth in Cornwall. The Choi...
Nordet has more than 25 years of musical journeys in many ports around the world, from its home port...
Chris Kastle is an award winning singer, storyteller, songsmith, author, artist, and educator living...
Leeds based noise. Riffs with harmony over hard beats and low bass....
Here are two multi-instrumentalist friends (Paul Grollier: vocals, diatonic accordions, concertinas,...
Dick Holdstock & Allan Macleod, singers of traditional British isles folk music.
An evening o...
Joseph Morneault is one of the original members of the Jovial Crew, playing alongside of Cliff since...
Ship, Mates and Bristol fashion - traditional shanties as they should be sung. Fun and friendship, m...
Dale Fowler is a songwriter and acoustic guitar player. He has developed an extensive collection of ...
There is something about sea shanties that resonates with a crowd, Gaito, a Kennebunk resident, said...
Privateer was the name that Tom and Chris Kastle used when they were performing at the local to Chic...
Trapped in the capital, far from the sea, the London Lubbers inflict their love of shanties, sea-son...
Waterford Male Voice Choir was founded in 2001 and since its inception has created quite a stir in m...
We are a women's shanty crew. We are women. We sing shanties....
Geoff Kaufman is best known for his thirty-five years of performing as a chanteyman at Mystic Seapor...
Revels brings together people of all ages and backgrounds through musical and theatrical celebration...
From pirates to Point Lookout, the music of Janie Meneely celebrates the maritime history, character...
Toronto's own Pressgang Mutiny, roaring out Irish, English, Caribbean, American and Canadian sea sha...
Decades ago, Tom Kastle designed a career for himself as a maritime music performer and sailor. He t...