
From Shantykoor Rotterdam:

Jan joined our choir in 1998. Under his inspiring leadership and great musicality, we rose to the top as a choir quality, presentation and originality. He was a musical genius and under his conducting leadership fantastic things happened. Jan was partly responsible for the creation and quality of our first CD. Afterwards, all further highlights of our choir were led by Jan, including:

Recording 2 more CDs, a musical, various theater performances and at the realization of the Book Wooden Ships Iron Men together with the Folk Group Pekel.

Jan provided leadership in the design of theater performances, presentations, festivals,
nautical events and for many important people, such as: King Willem Alexander, Maxima, all Rotterdam mayors and many others.

Jan was not only a very capable conductor, he was also a shantyman at heart and kidneys. He understood the music and the atmosphere around it and could do that like no other convey to our choir members.

Due to the loss of Jan, our choir faces a major challenge steps to continue, but we will certainly do so. We will miss him very much and hope for a possible reunion in Fiddler’s

Contact Information for Band Member


Zuid Holland


Contact Information

Shantykoor Rotterdam