These student accordionists from around Locronan have joined together as a happy, joyful band of friends that has become a recognised group over the years.

Using Vocals, Guitar, Flute, Saxophone, Clarinet, Bodhran, whether in Fest-Noz or in sailors’ songs, they will make you sing and dance until the end of the night.

If you don’t know how to dance, they will teach you the steps, and get you back into the round!

Sailors’ songs are also born in Locronan”

The Diatonik Bro Lokorn (DBL) association was founded in Locronan in August 2008. “I wanted to create the association to prevent diatonic accordion players from remaining isolated at home to learn music, alone or with a teacher,” says Claude Ribeyre, the president of the association.

The group’s seven musicians started timidly in the summer of 2008 by participating in Cast’s and then Locronan’s fest-noz. Since then, the group of seven has freed itself and every Monday evening, Marie-France, the two Marie-Louise, Annie, Maurice, Patrick and Claude take pleasure in meeting in rehearsal and composing their new scores. “We made thirty-two outings this year, including the maritime festivals of Paimpol and that of Douarnenez, where we had a hit on the Etoile du Roy,” rejoices Marie-Louise.

The group entertains the region’s campsites every summer and offers its services to summer visitors every Monday evening, on the Place de Plomodiern.

[Ouest-France 4/12/2012]

Daitonik bro Lokorn participated in the Fêtes Maritimes de Douarnenez in 2024


General Information



Band Members

Claude Ribeyre, Marie-France, Marie-Louise, (x 2!) Annie, Maurice, Patrick  

Contact Information





