Julie Anne Lovely Thompson has opened for The Kingston Trio, sung in the back-up chorus for the rock group Foreigner, toured for 10 years with the New England-based “Julie & Brownie”, and has appeared on CMN and TNN in TJ Booker’s music video Wine into Water. Besides publishing songs, she is an internationally published author (Charlesbridge Publishing) and narrator of several children’s books.  She co-authored, with Brownie Macintosh, A Pirates Life for Me.

Julie Thompson lived for three years in Tallahassee, Florida from 1998-2001 providing music for a church pre-school weekly, singing at Unity Church, playing in a drumming circle lead by Olumiday, occasionally singing with Velma Frye’s Women’s Singing Circle, playing Christopher Robin in The Reader’s Theatre, participating in Anyone Can Whistle put on by Theatre a la Carte. She worked part-time at the local health food store, New Leaf Market.

Having studied voice in high school and college in the her native state of Maine, Julie’s classical training is her foundation for her folk and jazz work. Ten years on the road with Brownie Macintosh (founding the touring act Julie & Brownie) brought her to nearly every library, recreation department, school, festival and fair in New England and parts of the East Coast, as well as a close call to be signed with Sony Kids. Currently residing and performing in the Midwest in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (on Lake Michigan, just 1 1/2 hours north of Chicago), she enjoys some regularly scheduled performances there, as well as frequent sojourns to New England and Florida for special events.  Julie was a member of the briefly assembled maritime music group, Sailors Three.

Julie sings in various groups and styles. Jazz (Julie Thompson’s High Standards), Motown Trio (Night & Day with Bobby Jiles), Folk Trio (Dangerous Folk), Blues band (Southend Blues Band), Kid’s (Miss Julie’s Music Fun, and Birthday Parties), and as a guest singer for church services.


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Fond du Lac


United States
