David Yondorf was a founding member of Bounding Main and passed away on May 17, 2023, at the very young age of 43. You can read his obituary here and read a CBS news article about his passing here.  The group will not be the same without him.

David Yondorf was a Certified Teacher with the Society of American Fight Directors and adjunct faculty member at Columbia College, Chicago. He also sang baritone (and in his words, “occasionally attempted bass”) for Bounding Main.

David learned an appreciation of folk music singing along on road trips with his mother, a folk-music aficionado who is a big supporter of our shanty shenanigans. When he wasn’t joining his family singing in the car (Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, Kingston Trio) he was busy belting out rock songs in his bedroom (Metallica, Guns N Roses, Nine Inch Nails). Perhaps his family preferred the road trips.

Despite a near-allergic reaction to anything on moving bodies of water, David was delighted to continue singing near ships and about ships for as long as his Dramamine® stores held out.

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Bounding Main
