
Keith and Sylvia sing mainly English traditional and traditionally influenced contemporary songs and work extensively all over the UK, Europe and beyond with collectively over 80 years performing experience (and neither yet walks with a stick!). Both have a very wide ranging repertoire, strong voices and uncannily compatible and complimentary styles of delivery, affording an exciting enhancement in duo and between them produce a striking acapella harmony sound. They also frequently accompany themselves and play lively dance tunes on three different systems of the only English invented musical instrument the Concertina. And when theyre not doing that youll probably find them in nearest charity shop!

 ” … breathtaking harmony work that leaves the listener gasping … “– Jane Kremer and Dave Thomas, The Folk Mag

“Once I courted a Damsel, derived from a fragment of Joseph Taylors singing, is Keith and Sylvia at their very best – unaccompanied, well thought out and together in splendid harmony, a model of how to sing a traditional English song.” – Pete Wood, EDS

“Sally Free and Easy deserves a special mention. Keith sings this song in harmony with Sylvia Needham. Their voices blend and compliment each others, capturing the anger and despair of this Cyril Tawney song to perfection. It is unquestionably, the best interpretation that I have ever heard of this song.” – Ken Hinchliffe, Whats Afoot

[Editor’s Note:  As of 28 Sept 2022 no version of Keith Kendrick’s website will propagate, and there does not seem to be a Facebook page, or any other social media site.  We recommend trying to reach him through his label, Wild Goose Studios – Doug Bailey.]


Band Members

Keith Kendrick Sylvia Needham

Contact Information





United Kingdom