(Formerly known as Quinn’s & Heinold’s Sea Shanty Crew)

Quinn’s Lighthouse in Oakland used to host a weekly Sea Shanty for decades – then Covid hit. The dedicated left over musicians and audience members organized a loose shanty we now call “Shipwrecked Shanty” which is currently hosted on first Saturdays by Sláinte Pub (just a block from Jack London Square, Oakland) and is also streamed live on Youtube and Facebook.

We rely on community donations to keep this ship afloat. If you see us in person, please throw us a bone. Any other time, you can help out by sending us a monetary life raft at:

PAYPAL.ME/SHIPWRECKEDSHANTY or VENMO at @shipwrecked_shanty.

Also, you can join us on Instagram @shipwrecked_shanty

Time to get on with Shanties!

Stay tuned and be Shanghai’d !! 

General Information





