Rumor di Mare
World Sea Folk & Shanty

Zeemanskoor Rumor di Mare (sailor choir Rumor di Mare, in English) from Leiden distinguishes itself through an extensive and idiosyncratic repertoire and is a winner of various festivals. During performances at home and abroad, the choir interprets the atmosphere of the traditional shanties and sea shanties like no other, but also rowing songs from all over the world. Under the professional direction of conductor Harm Huson , and with the accompaniment of various musicians, an international repertoire of well-known and, in particular, lesser-known songs is performed with contagious enthusiasm.

The name Rumor di Mare comes from Italian and can be roughly translated as Sound of the Sea. Just as the sea is sometimes calm and then rough again, the sound that the choir produces also varies: from subdued sung listening songs to wild, rousing rowing songs. It is the sound of the sailors singing and hoisting the sails or walking the capstan to pull in the anchor. Because it is hard work, a good rhythm helps. One sings, the rest join in. When the watch is over, or the ship is in the harbor, the narrative songs are discussed, with lyrics full of melancholy and longing.

General Information



Band Members

Harm Huson, Conductor Ruud van Steen Paul van der Aart Sjaak Paardekooper Maarten Beukenhorst Mark Gommers

Contact Information




Zuid Holland

