Today is MMDI Launch Day!

The wildly popular Falmouth International Sea Shanty Festival in Cornwall

Today we officially make available to the world a website that celebrates the music of mariners! The Maritime Music Directory International is designed to help fans of sea shanties find their favorite maritime-themed bands and the fun festivals at which to hear them perform!

The website is free to access and is free for the bands and festivals to promote their great work! It is supported by Organic Arts, Ltd., a Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA-based artistic not-for-profit organization. The MMDI makes banner ads available at a modest fee to promote the music and support the website. As a not-for-profit, it also accepts charitable contributions.

There are currently hundreds of acts and scores of performance venues and events listed on the site, with more being added every day. The popularity of sea shanties reached a new high during the pandemic through social media, video games and popular films. Acts like Fishermen’s Friends, The Longest Johns, David Coffin and Kimber’s Men, all veteran maritime music performers, have viral videos reaching mainstream audiences.

You can read the official launch press release here.