Please help the MMDI stay afloat!

This is rather embarrassing, actually.

Hello Friends,

This is Dean Calin. I have worked very hard for a couple of years to get this website up and running. After our successful Kickstarter program we had a the expectation that a set amount would go toward the technical development of the site. Well, we had several major setbacks in that regard – a few unscrupulous individuals abandoned the project, forcing me to spend a great deal more to complete the site.

Unlike other genres of music, the maritime music/sea shanty community lacked a central place for fans and the press to easily discover our important music, bands and festivals. I believe that what this site is offering our community is also the means to record and share the lore and history of the legends that led the way for us. Stormalong John, Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd and Johnny Collins are all names that should not be forgotten.

Now that the community content sections of the MMDI are complete, the two remaining pieces are organizing the banner advertising campaign and the outreach to raise funds through donations through Organic Arts, Ltd. I am afraid while we are in sight of the finish line we may not make it and all of this work may be for naught. We are down to, perhaps, $250.00. I am not in a position to support the site myself, either.

Therefore, I am forced to ask for support, again, from the maritime music community. If you could please go to our donation page and contribute a couple of dollars we can continue our work to record and keep alive the legends and modern heroes of maritime music.