
Barnacle Buoys was a non-profit group of a cappella sea shanty singers based in North Somerset. We existed to enjoy our craft, entertain our audiences and raise money for our chosen charities. Our principle charities were the Children’s Hospice South West and the RNLI.

From their website:  “The Barnacle Buoys have known each other for many years but we did not realise that we all had something in common; the appreciation of shanty music. After making the discovery the Buoys got together in February 2013 and shared a pint or two in the Old Inn, Clevedon and experimented with a few shanties. The rest, as they say, is history.

“The Buoys have their own unique style, pleasing our audiences and raising money for charity, primarily Children’s Hospice South West and the RNLI. We also regularly support our wonderful pier in Clevedon and have organised shanty events on board the cherished MV Balmoral.

“We have become very popular in the North Somerset area and have performed at many events in the South West, creating musical mayhem in order to raise money.”

On 21 Sept 2023, Alan George posted on Facebook:  “In anticipation of Bristol Shanty Festival 2023, I feel obliged to inform you all, that I, and the Barnacle Buoys, have parted.  Our pathways have taken on increasingly different and divergent directions.”

Band Members

Alan George Rod Maurice Tim Kevin Andy



Contact Information





United Kingdom