
Sales notes from Smithsonian Folkways, “Tis Our Sailing Time, originally released on Folk-Legacy Records in 1983, was the first album from The Boarding Party, a group of shanty-singers based in Washington, D.C. Comprised of five voices, The Boarding Party offer impeccable, flowing vocal performances of shanties and maritime songs, some of which have seldom, if ever, been recorded. In addition to their singing, the group also meticulously researched the songs presented, letting their deep knowledge of the shanties and their history help guide their performance. Much of this research can be read in the album’s liner notes.”

There are some interesting notes on Discogs.

[Editor’s note:  This group should not be confused with the San Francisco-based “pirate rock band”.]

Band Members

Jonathan Eberhart (RIP) Bob Hitchcock Tom McHenry K.C. King David Diamond




District of Columbia