
“Passion, friendship, new experience and affection for singing.” This is how we describe what unites us as a group. Happiness which we get from singing motivates us to seek a new and unique repertoire.

Brasy appeared for the first time in February 2008 and their performance was quite remarkable because of the way their shanties were sung – rich in harmony and sophisticated, sometimes surprising, chords connection. These features, together with the perfect intonation and sound, best defines Brasy.

Brasy has won several prizes in well-known national competitions (e.g. in Białystok, Sosnowiec, Kraków). Since then, the band has been invited to many festivals in Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Great Britain.

So far, Brasy has released three records: “Rolling Home”, which includes 16 traditional shanties sung in English; “Single” with 4 songs, and “LIVE”, which includes 16 popular pieces recorded during a live audition on Polish Radio.

Brasy is one of the exciting number of “neo-shanty” groups that feature incredibly tight harmonies in a style unique to Poland in the last 20 years.

Band Members

Maciek "Siwy" Cybulski Other names TBA



Contact Information




