The first Shantychor of Bremen, in existence since 1978
The Bremer Shantychor sings of the life of the sailors from past centuries with great shanties and atmospheric seasons. The songs helped the sailors to make the usually very hard and heavy work on board a little easier, and the Shanties gave the work the necessary, repetitive rhythm
The Bremer Shantychor was launched in 1978 and was initially in the tradition of classic men’s choirs, according to which the Shanties and especially the sailor’s songs were performed four-part a capella.
Over time, the choir repeatedly got into stormy waters. Changes in ship management and crew brought harmonica, accordion and guitar into the foredeck and increasingly shaped Shanties’s on-board life.
Today there are 28 men and a woman of the Bremer Shantychor. We are on the road in Bremen and around, enter large stages and small living rooms, can be heard in pubs and on street corners and report on the life of the sailor from past centuries with greety Shanties and atmospheric seasongs.
Our repertoire contains a wide variety of songs about sea and seafaring. We sing Shanties and Forebitters – these are the working songs on board the tall sailors and the songs of the Freiwache. We have some classic sailor songs in the duffel bag and we sing songs of today related to the sea – by A. Reichel, Rio Reiser, Bob Dylan and Harry Belafonte.
In recent years, we have produced four CDs, of which the first two CDs with the titles “Wenn leise die Wellen singen” and “The Leaving of Liverpool” are out of print.
In 2010, a third CD entitled “When the ship comes in” was laid down. It contains many well-known international Shanties and reports with the title song of a ship whose crew has to face enormous challenges in order to reach a safe harbour, but can’t be dissuaded from it by anything or by anyone.
We have called our fourth and for the time being last CD “Seesick” – so the imagination has free play, but above all we want to make the longing for the vastness of the sea and the sound of the harbours experienceable with the songs.
Christian Preiss-Daimler Chorleiter, Gitarre, Banjo, Gesang
Waltraud Koch Div. Flöten, Gesang
Heiner Borcherding Violine
Dankwart Reichelt Akkordeon
Friedel Jäger Gitarre, Mundharmonika ,Gesang
Lothar Dziomba Akkordeo
1. Bass |
2. Bass |
Andreas Mündelein |
Arnim Cronjaeger |
Bernd Hönemann |
Dieter Lensch |
Freddy Koops |
Manfred Winsemann |
Fritz Bewig |
Hans-Jürgen Salchow |
Hanns-Ulrich Schupke |
Hans-Joachim Schulze |
Helmut Heyer |
Udo Ruthenberg |
Lothar Dziomba |
Manfred Mohrwinkel |
Volkhard Wiegmann |
Walter Söde |
Jürgen Scholly |
1. Tenor |
2. Tenor |
Hans-Martin Birth |
Christian Klippert |
Friedel Jäger |
Heinz Hackeloer |
Hans-Joachim Besser |
Jörn A. Holst |
Reinhard Lustig |
Band Members
Andreas Mündelein Arnim Cronjaeger Bernd Hönemann Christian Klippert Christian Preiss-Daimler Dankwart Reichelt Dieter Lensch Freddy Koops Friedel Jäger Fritz Bewig Hans-Jürgen Salchow Hans-Martin Birth Hanns-Ulrich Schupke Hans-Joachim Besser Hans-Joachim Schulze Heiner Borcherding Heinz Hackeloer Helmut Heyer Jörn A. Holst Jürgen Scholly Lothar Dziomba Manfred Mohrwinkel Manfred Winsemann Reinhard Lustig Udo Ruthenberg Volkhard Wiegmann Walter Söde Waltraud Koch
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