Chiens d’Mer sail the seven seas offering us drinking music, sailor songs and a zest of Irish folk, along with the folk songs of maritime Flanders.

Chiens d’Mer was born on a humid summer evening in the harbour bar of  the home port of the privateer “Jean Bart,” bathed in wisps of smoke and the smell of alcohol. It started out as a  simple creation, inspired by Irish songs and sea shanties, fed with fermented hops… and the name chosen was symbolic, in honour of the castaways of the sea. They drag in their wake the dark universe of seafarers and makeshift gentlemen. Ready to do anything to win their fight, when rum and the songs of men make the stars shine, they fall in love with a beer pump and with the help of Chiens d’Mer let themselves go to the ancient melodies of Flanders and more, that they dust off and sing as the madness takes them.


Note: A website, (  is reported to relate to the group, but at time of writing this was not found to be operational.

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