East Cowes Shanty began in March 2023, initially pulling the crew from the East Cowes Sailing Club, but we quickly picked up others from outside of the membership, this has continued as they have progressed. The group has grown in confidence, many of the group had never sung before, or at least not in a group. They keep it as traditional as possible, and try to maintain the original intentions of the sea shanties.
“From Little Acorns” – as the group have progressed, their confidence and knowledge of the songs has also grown. Their enthusiasm and willingness to “Give it a go”, shines through, and the group has quickly become a very social affair
Singing shanties became very popular during the covid pandemic, as many people could still access groups online. While they may be late to the party, they have quickly become aware of the other benefits of the shanty group. All members have gained something more than just the music, they have gained new friends, new confidence and found an excellent way of maintaining their mental health.
They performed for their first time at the Yarmouth Sea Songs Festival in 2024. They had a fantastic experience, and they even received a request for an encore.
Band Members
Bob Dusty Geoff Ian John Mike Pete Badham
Contact Information
East Cowes
Isle of Wight
United Kingdom