“The Bristol Shantyman”

Best known as a singer, Erik Ilott had served with both the Merchant Navy and the Royal Navy, having worked on ships ranging from destroyers to battleships during WW2. His solo LP Shipshape and Bristol Fashion was issued in 1973. [Instep Research Team]

The late Erik Ilott died in 1988 and was renowned as the last of the Bristol Shantymen.  A charismatic old sea dog, he was an honorary member of both the Bristol Morris Men and of the Earlsdon Morris Men (who hail from near Coventry). In his will, he asked that our two sides should perform in his honor in various Bristol locations which were important to him. Bristol invited Earlsdon down for this tour, which proved so enjoyable that it has been repeated on a regular basis. The two sides take it in turns to arrange the day, which is generally marked by dancing at as many public houses as possible. [Discogs]

On his album, Shipshape and Bristol Fashion Sea Songs, Ilott sang and performed on banjo, ukulele, bones, autoharp, concertina and “whistle”. [Rhythm Bones Central]



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