Flash Jack is a group formed by combining previous members of the late lamented shanty crew ‘Hanging Johnny’ with other well established musicians & singers.

Traditional song, classics, theatre and English dance music have all had their various influences on us and all of the members of the group have performed for many years both as solo artists and with a variety of groups and bands.

We live in Cornwall and West Devon, although some of us originate from further afield. The ‘Flash’ part of the name comes from a Georgian slang term for a person living on the edge of ‘decent’ society but with a swagger and manner which endeared them to their comrades. Throughout history ‘Jack’ has been a slang term for a sailor. Thus, Flash Jack.

We perform maritime songs in a way which utilises our various musical backgrounds and which encompasses not only ‘straight’ shanties but also includes ballads, new songs and tunes, songs which show women’s experience of the sea (and seafarers) and songs and tunes reflecting the wider influence of coastal life and the resulting back and forth of songs and tunes between land and sea.

Sad to say, during lockdown, two members of the group have had a re-think about their continued membership of the group and have decided to leave us, so it is with much regret that we say goodbye to Gideon and Pauline who were with us from the very start of our journey and who can still be heard on both of our CDs: ‘Flash Jack’ and ‘Flashback’

Band Members

Jon Stevens


Contact Information




United Kingdom
