Force 5 is a shanty and sea song group based in Les Sables d’Olonne in the Vendée in Western France.

In 2011, friends who were passionate about songs and in particular sailor songs, decided to form a group and FORCE 5 was born.

Over the years, the composition of the group has expanded and evolved while maintaining the original spirit of its  home port of Les Sables d’Olonne.

The voices are highlighted by several instruments: diatonic accordions, guitar, electric guitar, harmonica, mandolin, bouzouki, synthesiser keyboard and percussion.

The group performs at various events, (local festivals, meals, etc ) and also help humanitarian and charitable organisations and meets every week to work and improve their repertoire.

In 2014, Force 5 produced its first CD (“L’équipage se lâche”), followed by a second in 2016 (“L’équipage hisse la Grand’ voile”), then a third in 2020 (“Force 5 prend le large) then a fourth (“Force 5 garde “le cap).

The 5th CD, “L’Horizon est à Nous” was released in 2024.

At time of writing in 2024, the first three albums are seen to be no longer available, but the two most recent may be obtained directly via the group’s website

General Information



Contact Information


Les Sables d'Olonne


