The Frampton Shantymen are an a cappella group from Gloucestershire in the U.K. that specialises in singing sea shanties

“The Frampton Shantymen have no tradition of seafaring and we strenuously avoid physical exertion.  Also only a couple of us can still remember the late nineteenth century.

For us, shanty singing is a great way to bring people together in the joy of making music.  We may or may not achieve historical accuracy but if you feel better at the end of the evening than you did at the start then we have achieved our aim.

If you want to hear more then please get in touch but be warned: you’ll want to join in!

The Frampton Shantymen formed in 2012, having discovered that shanties are one of the quickest ways to get an entire pub singing along. Since then, the group has grown in size, repertoire and reputation. We regularly sing around the region and wider afield, entertaining crowds at events ranging from national folk and shanty festivals to local pubs; village fetes to weddings. We also have an outreach group encouraging singing at local primary schools.

All funds raised through our activities go to charities and we raise an average of £2,000-£3,000 each year for local, national, and international good causes.

We seek to bring the soaring harmonies of our male voice choir background to bear on the more rough and ready shanty, with an emphasis on the audience having fun. For us, shanty singing is a great way to bring people together in the joy of making music.  We may or may not achieve historical accuracy but if you feel better at the end of the evening than you did at the start then we’ve achieved our aim.”




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