Inspired by the winds of Lake Michigan, Green Sails sets a delightful course of rousing tunes and sensuous melodies fueled by Amy’s Irish fiddle, Bonnee Beth’s percussion and Sandy’s guitar and vocals.

Our music is traditional. We perform songs about love, love lost, ships and the sea. Our tunes include jigs, slip jigs, reels, polkas and waltzes, with lots of unexpected combinations. Included in our entertainment are dancing and storytelling as well…the audience gets quite a history lesson! In fact, we encourage audience participation. We have fun and make sure the audience does, too. We play; we sing; we dance; we spin yarns.

Our band is regularly invited to perform at Farmer’s Markets, community events stage shows, and private events within and outside of the Milwaukee area.

Band members include guitarist Sandy Weisto, a talented folk singer, well known for her “behind the scenes” work at The Coffee House and the Miramar Theatre; Bonnee Beth who plays percussion, dances, sings and adds a bit of southern silliness; and fiddler Amy Otis-Wilborn who fell into old time music in Kansas, continued with country and western in Texas and found her Irish roots in Milwaukee. Our name—Green Sails—denotes “Green” for Irish music and for ecology sustainability and “Sails” for sailing. We are musicians and sailors.

Band Members

Sandy WeistoBonnee BethAmy Otis-Wilborn

Contact Information





