Hart Backbord (originally founded as “Bremer Shantychor Hart Backbord”) is one of Germany’s oldest maritime music groups, founded in 1978. We are among the few German groups that perform sea shanties in historic fashion. We sing in English, French, Italian, German and the Northern German dialect! We are constantly expanding our collection of international shanties, fishing songs and seafarers’ work and leisure songs. With our special interpretation of shanties and extraordinary performance ‘HART BACKBORD’ gained some success. In 1981 we launched the first album. This and following albums were distributed by some well known labels. As one of few western German bands we toured in the former GDR in the 1980s. We sang many times at international festivals – for example, in Liverpool, Bristol and Rotterdam, Ilawa and Wilhelmshaven. Also, we are co-founders of the ‘Festival Musik Maritim’ in our hometown Bremen which was first held in September 1999. In 2017 we booked the well-known Studio NORD in Bremen again, where we already produced our first record in 1981. This studio breathes the atmosphere and aura of well-known artists of the last 50 years. In autumn 2017 we released our current CD, “Salty Dogs”. In April 2018 Hart Backbord celebrated its 40th stage anniversary at the fully booked Bürgerhaus Weserterassen in Bremen with former co-singers, friends and fans. We hail from the historic, northern German port of Bremen. Hart Backbord cooperates with the harbor museum “Speicher XI”. If you would like to find out more about it, just click on this link.
On Facebook they say that, “This group sings shanties the way they used to sound.” It might be said that they have updated the sound to include both men and women and instruments to their very well produced music.
Hart Backbord cooperates with the port museum “Speicher XI”. If you want to find out more, just click https://www.hafenmuseum-speicherelf.de/ .
The group has produced a number of CDs, some of which are out of print. The group is offering produced-to-order copies of out of print albums by writing directly to the group. Used copies in vinyl, cassette and CD formats are also readily available used on Discogs.
Band Members
Niels Behn Werner Bruckmann Wolfgang Busch Karin Grabenhorst Bernd Hoffmann Andreas Kettel Sorin Lemke Erich Meyer Ronnie Pundsack Peter Ramm Stefan Ramin Berit Rosenbaum Jarne Rosenbaum Toddy Rosenbaum Wolfgang Sattler Michael Strosetzky Jannes Waterstraat (musical director)
Contact Information