“Original music frequently Maritime in nature, sometimes humorous, sometimes not.”  [From Jon Campbell’s Facebook page.]  His daughter, Marina Campbell said, “Never one to conform to just one single path or recreation, he is remembered as many things: a musician, an artist, a writer, a film crewman, a mentor, a brother, a father and likely the funniest and most intelligent man in any room he ever walked into.”

Campbell was a well regarded and long-time musician in his home state of Rhode Island.  He was featured in local media as well as many local venues.  He was inducted into the Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame in 2019.

Jon Campbell died c. 2022.  New England folk and maritime music aficionado, Chris Setari, expressed that his contribution to maritime music was notable, and that he warranted a listing here in the MMDI.  A search on Mudcat Café did not yield his name when checked 21 Oct 2023.

His website, jcampbellwampum.com, was inoperative when tested 21 Oct 2023.  An article about his life can be read in The Providence Journal.


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