Les Marins de Cotentin, (sometimes referred to as “Le Chœur des Marins du Cotentin”), is a group composed of some 48 men’s voices  accompanied by a guitarist and accordionist.

The choristers come from all over the region from St Georges de la Rivière to Quettehou, through Picauville, Cherbourg en Cotentin, Equeurdreville and of course, Bricquebec.

In 20 years, their repertoire has expanded by nearly 150 titles, “to the delight of their audience”.

The preservation and bringing to life a rich heritage of marine songs from the 17th to the 21st century through their interpretation is stated as being the primary objective of the Marins du Cotentin. 

“The group will delight both young and old with rhythmic songs, traditionally used for manoeuvres on the boat, and songs of relaxation sometimes naughty but never vulgar, to make us forget the harsh conditions of the profession.

The group is directed and accompanied by Guy Pierchon.

Talk to the president (Lionel Houivet), he will tell you more, visit and come listen to us, you will not be disappointed!”

The group has produced the following albums that may be purchased directly from them or at a number of locations mentioned in the group’s websit

  • FORCE 7 (2018)
  • . . . Chantent les Années 40 (2014)
  • 10 Ans (2014)
  • Auteurs de mer (2011)
  • 3e Escale (2009)


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