Martin Hugill is a son of the legendary Stan Hugill and brother to Phil Hugill, with whom he often performs.

Martin Hugill was brought up with shanties and sea songs from an early age, being the youngest son of the late Stan Hugill, last of the shantymen.

He has sung with some legendary performers in the United Kingdom, including Tony Davis’s “Shipmates,” and with the Celtic music band “Sam.” He often performs with his brother Phil Hugill, and has earned acclaim at festivals in Poland, Germany, France and the United States.

Martin usually accompanies himself on cittern guitar or on mandolin. He has recently begun to add the sea songs of Wales, his native country, to his repertoire. When not singing songs of the sea, he performs in a ceilidh band around the borders of England and Wales.

His father, Stan Hugill, was one of the most important collectors of the working songs of deepwater mariners under sail. He was the last man to sing a working shanty aboard a British square-rigged merchant ship, in 1929. His principal work, Shanties from the Seven Seas, was published in 1961. It has become the “bible” of modern shanty singers around the world.

Martin Hugill currently lives in Shropshire, England. — Mudcat Café

Read a short recollection by Martin’s mother, Bronwen Irene Hugill-Gowers on the Chantey Cabin website.

“Martin and Philip have been playing with sea songs that are often found in their repertoire for years. They have performed several times at the Mystic Sea Music Festival in the USA and also with the band ‘The Shipmates’ in Poland. In addition, Martin plays in the Celtic folk rock band ‘Star of the Sea’ and various ceilidh bands around the border with Wales. Phil is also performing with the band ‘Cuckoo Pint’ in his hometown of Hampshire. The instruments include guitar, mandolin and chitter. ” — Internationaal Folk & Seasongsfestival Bie Daip


Band Members

Martin Hugill Phil Hugill

Contact Information





United Kingdom
