There are currently seven members of the crew, three of whom are retired Irish Naval Service personnel and the rest are landlubbers. [c. 2017]

The idea to establish a sea shanty group was the brainchild of Jim Halligan and his first port of call was his fellow retired INS comrades. That was early in 2013 and within weeks six others were press-ganged into service.

From the outset the emphasis was on fun. They work on the very simple premise that if the group are enjoying themselves the audience will too. Individual members can bring a new song to the weekly practice and if it passes muster it is given the Molgogger treatment and it becomes part of their repertoire.

In 2014 they recorded a 16 track CD, aptly entitled Maiden Voyage. It was very well received and they recorded a second CD the following year, Absolutely Marvellous. That title is credited to Jim who invariably replies, “absolutely marvellous”, when someone enquires as to how he is.

The name of the group came about in conversation in a pub after rehearsal. The lads were talking about minesweeper matters and the word molgogger was mentioned. An explanation of the word followed and it was unanimously agreed it would be a great name for the group. And so, The Molgoggers were born.

General Information



Band Members

John Crone Pat Meade Dancing Jerry Bosun George Jim Halligan (RIP)

Contact Information




County Cork

