From Falmouth, The Oggymen have built a reputation for tight harmonies and inspiring performances that convey the rugged beauty of the Duchy of Cornwall.

Entertaining both visitors and locals with their unique arrangements of Cornish and contemporary folk songs, they have won recognition for the passion and pride they convey through their music.

The Cornish have a proud tradition of expressing their loves, beliefs, hopes and fears through music. Songs chart the history of Cornwall’s Methodist past, the hardships of life as a tin miner, the peril of those at sea, or the lament of the cousin jack, longing for family and familiarity whilst working a long way from home.

These songs are part of our culture; a bridge to both the past and the future. As we grew up in Falmouth we heard these songs regularly. Fathers sung them in male voice choirs, friends sung them after working boat races, brothers sung them gig rowing, and we all tried to sing them down the pub…

In recent years, the songs of our fathers have been heard less, and collectively we lamented the loss of this bridge to our Cornish past; hopefully we can do our part to stop them from being lost forever.

The Oggymen have merchandise available here.

And what about that roaring cry that the group shares, “Oggy, oggy, oggy – oi, oi, oi!”  The website Substack shares something about this unique, Cornish, custom.

Band Members

Martin Rowes Rower (of the Oggymen) Robby (of the Oggymen) Dave (of the Oggymen) Andy G (of the Oggymen) Andy K (of the Oggymen) Bruce (of the Oggymen) Martyn O (of the Oggymen) Jon D (of the Oggymen) Rob (of the Oggymen) Jezza (of the Oggymen)



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