The group was founded at the end of 2011 as a result of an offer from Zeegers Postma to Frank Edam during Liereliet in Workum. On the Friday evening prior to the festival, they sat together in the cafe. Zeegers is one of the organizers of “Deunen en Deinen”, the maritime winter festival in Enkhuizen. Frank was a member of the Scric der Zee and has, among other things, created the performance “Chicken in the Spacious” for Liereliet. The Scric der Zee had dissolved itself, in good harmony, in the spring of 2011. Zeegers asked Frank if he was already working on something new. That wasn’t the case yet. He was breeding, but he really needed “a big stick”. “I’ll give you half an hour on Deunen and Deinen in February” Zeegers responded and there was the stick! That same night at 3 o’clock Frank already had an in-depth conversation with 4 prospective members. The next morning there was a busy phone call and on Saturday afternoon Frank was able to confirm to Zeegers that a group would be arriving. In the following months, “Heady Foam” was born.
[Text from group’s website.]
Turbulent Foam is a group that likes to be seen guest at festivals, plays very much in the street and but also provides complete concerts at indoor locations. Their roots are in Workum where, on the initiative of Frank Edam, the members of this group met for the first time 4 years ago. Frank previously played in the Scric der Zee and has, among other things, created the performance “Chicken in the Space” for Workum a few years ago. They have now quickly found their own special place in the world of maritime music and enjoy performing their singing and music with theatrical aspects. Everyone sings and they accompany themselves in doing so, with self-written arrangements, on whistles, guitars, saxophone, cello, harmonica, accordion, banjolele, cajón and flappers. Onstuimig Schuim is a group that plays easily in the street and people like to see them play on festivals. Their roots are in Workum, when the group came together 4 years ago for the first time. It was Frank Edam who played in “Scric der Zee”, and beside that he wrote a theater performance for Workum. The Maritime world is their world and like to play their songs and music of the world. Every member of the group sings and accompany themselves with flute, guitar, saxophone, cello, banjolele and cajón.
[Text from Liereliet Workum’s Facebook post 17 October 2019.]
Band Members
Frank Edam Julia Marjolein Frank Bram Siemon Kees Jacquelien (RIP)
Contact Information
Noord Holland