Back in 2006 – during the Liereliet Festival in Workum, Philippe Noirel and Philippe Rouxel came together to form ‘Philippe Duo’. Shortly afterwards – with the arrival of Bertrand Lautredou – the duo became a trio. Since then, the trio has regularly presented in the Netherlands, Poland and France.  It is a trio based on friendship and the love of Breton and French maritime music.

Philippe Noirel: the artist with the fabulous voice has been a singer for more than 30 years.  As a member of groups such as ‘Boujaron’ and ‘Les Souillés de Fond de Cale’, he has given concerts at maritime music festivals in Paimpol, in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Belgium and  elsewhere.

Philippe Rouxel: the man who plays the buttons of the accordion with his virtuoso, nimble hands, has been immersed in the world of this instrument all his life.
He is one of the founders of the Breton dance group ‘Fest-Noz Les Bouinous’ and has made numerous tours.  His precise and passionate playing contributes to the subtleties of their music, serving the perfection of his friend’s mighty voice.

Bertrand Lautredou: guitarist with a subtle touch – his contribution to the trio is of a harmonic and rhythmic nature. Like Philippe Rouxel, Bertrand is one of the founders of the Breton dance group ‘Fest-Noz Les Bouinous’.  With a feeling for the traditional maritime repertoire, as well as for Breton and French song, he has accompanied many musical formations.

Let yourself be taken along by the ‘PhiliBert Trio’ who – with work songs, an occasional lament and songs from the future – will awaken your appreciation for the richness of the repertoire of the French sailors.

General Information



Band Members

Philippe Noirel Philippe Rouxel Bertrand Lautredou 

Contact Information




