From a Facebook posted 18 September 2023: “It is with great sadness we share the news of Roger’s passing at age 87. His life, artistry and legacy has meant so much to so many all over the world. We are thankful that the gift of his music remains with us. Comments and condolences can be left on the official website at Rogerwhittaker.com.” — Jesse Waggoner
Roger Henry Brough Whittaker (born 22 March 1936) is a British singer-songwriter and musician, who was born in Nairobi to English parents. His music is an eclectic mix of folk music and popular songs in addition to radio airplay hits. He is best known for his baritone singing voice and trademark whistling ability as well as his guitar skills. [Wikipedia]
“Home is the south of France now. We live near actor Windsor Davies. I retired from touring in 2013, but I’ve written 18 new songs for an album – and I still whistle very well.”
Whittaker’s notable contribution to the maritime music genre is his chart-topping song, The Last Farewell.
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