A chat in the pub one night amongst a group of traditional singers from Cornwall, and almost before you could say “Pussers”, Rum and Shrub Shantymen were launched and we soon developed a worldwide reputation for lively singing of shanties, sea songs and folk songs.
We have been singing together as a group since 1991 and known each other for a lot longer than that! We are equally at home on a concert stage, on a boat or quay, or in a bar – in fact since we seem to spend so much time singing around the local waters, Mylor Yacht Club might well be our second home. Listen out for us, join in and enjoy our enthusiasm.
The name Rum and Shrub is taken from one of Cornwall’s best kept secrets and is our favourite throat ‘medicine’ – Shrub being an alcoholic cordial reputed to have been enjoyed by smugglers to disguise the salty taste of their contraband, and rum being rum. Whenever you visit a “proper Cornish” pub be sure to order one, you wont be disappointed. It is taken 50:50 in careful quantities to ensure clarity of voice, – if not head!
We have performed at many events in Wales, Brittany, Germany and Ireland as well as enjoying a tour of the Eastern seaboard of the USA. We have also appeared at most major English events including all the Falmouth International Sea Shanty Festivals – more recent ventures have included some memorable visits to the International Eisteddfod in Llangollen, live participation in Children In Need and national TV advert work. Throughout the years we have made many recordings, all of which have met with critical acclaim. The latest addition “Another Rum Ashore”, released in August 2014, has been hailed as our best yet. Copies are available from the group, from our online shop either as a CD purchase or a download and from music stores.
We look forward to making new friends and hearing new songs wherever we go, and we very much hope that you enjoy our singing as much as we do. Just follow the contact link for enquiries and bookings.
Fun fact: when this group first came together they called themselves, “Bully in the Alley”.
Band Members
Alan Ben Bob Colin Jinks Nigel Roger Tony Franklin
Contact Information
United Kingdom