
Sam Wheatley is a Shanty singer and composer, inspired by some of the greatest.

In his lifetime, he has been known by a few names and faces. But now, just Sam seems to do it. After spending most of his adult life in London (someone has to), he chose to do the correct thing, and move across the country to Cornwall, where he now has lived happily for the last few years. Not quite a local, but local enough to live just up the road.

He had his passion ignited for singing and playing various musical instruments from LARP, of Live Action RolePlay. Normally, this involved heading into woodlands and beating the hell out of each other with foam swords wearing plate armour, whilst pretending to be someone else. But also included singing in various styles, from Folk and Celtic, to traditional Sea Shanties.

For many years during these events, Shanty Nights were his favourites. Hours upon hours of the best of the best. Through his many many solo performances, he’s also written his own music, inspired by some of the greatest, from Stan Rogers, to the Longest Johns, with also various forms of modern music. 


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