The choir was founded in 1979 on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the MK-Vegesack. The success was so great that it was decided to continue under the name “Seemanns-Chor Vegesack e.V.”. Various television appearances and many trips abroad also made the choir known far beyond the borders of Bremen. In 2011, the then choir director Birgitt Kropp also took over the 1st. Presidency, that was unique in Germany at the time. The choir grew to currently 110 members, of which about 52 are active singers and musicians.


How the sailor’s choir Vegesack was created: For the 75th anniversary of the naval camaraderie in 1979, the idea of beautifying this festival with its own musical contribution was born. That’s why the Shanty Choir was founded in May. Under the direction of Otto Burkantat, the singers began to practice diligently. The appearance at the anniversary celebration was a great success. That’s why they just decided to continue singing. Initially only at internal club celebrations, but quickly the choir was also booked from the outside and thus rewarded for its performance.

After 21 years, the singers separated from the naval camaraderie and began a restart under the name Seemanns-Chor-Vegesack e.V. Shantys stepped more and more into the background. Sailor songs and songs from the Waterkant were included in the program. The success began with this mixture. TV recordings at “Germany sings” and in the harbour bar as well as invitations to Shanghai and Prague confirm again and again to this day that the songs reach the audience.

Almost 60 Active

In 2011, the musical direction was transferred to the accordion player Birgitt Kropp. Her fresh momentum and a new selection of songs attract new singers to this day. From nine to 87 years is the age range of the almost sixty active people. In 2011, Birgitt Kropp took over the 1st in addition to the musical direction. Chairmanship, and this is probably unique in Germany with a maritime men’s choir. Together with her new board, she now heads the fate of the choir. With her female charm, but also with a good dose of humour, she always manages to motivate the men. Not absolute perfection, but the fun should be in the foreground. The goal is to inspire the audience, to encourage them to sing along. At all the great events where the sailor’s choir performs, the members have not forgotten to sing in the old people’s and retirement homes. It is always a pleasure to see how grateful and with what enthusiasm the singers are received there. New CDs are also made and others are in the works. They are very sought after by the audience.

If you feel like singing (only men) or making music (everyone), you can come by for a taste. Grade knowledge is not required. Practice evening is every Wednesday from 6.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the church of the Jacobs University in Bremen-Grohn, Bruno-Bürgel Straße. Further information can be obtained from Birgitt Kropp, Menkestr. 9, 28755 Bremen, telephone 04 21 / 66 59 44 9, mobile 01 52/ 21952473 or via

[Weser Kurier 14/4/2013]



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