Shantymen Kaap Hoorn is a polyphonic shanty choir from Hoorn, Netherlands.

The choir sings shanties, sea songs and nautical folk songs accompanied by musicians who play various instruments, such as accordion, guitar, violin and bodhran (Irish drum)

Hoorn is an old V.O.C. city on the Markermeer.

The group states that, “It  is our goal to ‘put down’ a musically best possible product. We are amateurs but with a professional ambition.”Shantymen Kaap Hoorn has a repertoire of almost 100 songs to choose from. The choir is distinguished by singing in 5 languages, namely Dutch, English, French, Swedish and Russian.The arrangements are polyphonic with three vocals: bass, baritone and tenor.

Band Members

Anton Smit Riet Duinmeijer Martin Heitman Dirk Kleipoel Robert Heck Dick Gerritsen Jan Siebring Marcel Tillemans Han de Ridder Leo Bot Rob Martijn Hans Mol Dick van Riel Henk Ploeg Anton Smit Leo van den Thillart Sjaak Zweet Alex van der Linde Nico Slob




