
We are Sharp as Razors – Clive Brooks and Des Patalong.
We sing shanties and maritime songs, mostly upbeat but with some quieter items to give variety to our performances. We don’t just sing in unison, so you can expect to hear strong and different harmonies as they are a feature of our singing.

By the early 2010s, along with three singing mates (Vaughan Hully, Des Patalong and Clive Brooks) Alan Whitbread set up and enjoyed singing with Sharp As Razors as a shanty group with plenty of harmonies. With Alan Whitbread as a member, Sharp as Razors recorded two albums

Between us, we have been singing to audiences at folk clubs and festivals both individually and in various groupings for more than sixty years.

We sing shanties and maritime songs, mostly upbeat but with some quieter items to give variety to our performances. You can expect to hear strong and different harmonies as they are a feature of our singing.



Band Members

Clive BrooksDes PatalongVaughan Hully (Former Member)Alan Whitbread (RIP)


Contact Information



South Croydon


United Kingdom