
“Ship’n Whales are an a capella shanty group and their members are Høgne Skøld, Per Robert Jøntvedt, Frank Robert Thomsen, Ølvind Nefstad, Ivar Nefstad and Svend Martens. I have very happy memories of singing with them during a break between performance duties at the festival. It was an impromptu session whilst beer drinking which charmed the casual bystanders. It was a special joy for me to belt songs such as Come me Lads (Let union be) at +90db without amplifiers and similar shnick-shnack and joined by 6 throats also each at +90db and more. Wherever you are lads, I wish you well and every success and hope that we may one day meet again.”

Geoff Grainger, Bremen-Vegesack, November 2006

According to the venerable Bitter End website (curated by Alan Hardy) Ship’n Whales had released two albums: “Cheerily Man!” in 2000, and “Wet, Messy Wet …” with Blind Man’s Buff in 2001.  Geoff Grainger’s site shows three more albums:  “So Long Ago” (no date), “Northern Link” (2006) and “Swinging from the Yardarm” (no date).

There is very little information found on the internet for this musical act.  Any contributions to this listing would be most welcome!  [Dean Calin mmdi@seashanties4all.com]

General Information



Band Members

Høgne Skøld Per Robert Jøntvedt Frank Robert Thomsen Ølvind Nefstad Ivar Nefstad Svend Martens

Contact Information



