Our hometown of Southend-on-Sea in Essex is steeped in fishing and cockling industries, which has drawn us naturally to sea shanties, the sailors’ working songs. We love the story-telling aspect to shanty-singing and we are passionately committed to ensuring that these songs remain in the public domain and not lost at sea!

Our hometown of Southend-on-Sea in Essex is steeped in fishing and cockling industries, which has drawn us naturally to sea shanties, the sailors’ working songs. We love the story-telling aspect to shanty-singing and we are passionately committed to ensuring that these songs remain in the public domain and not lost at sea!

The crew:

CAPTAIN DARLING – Enjoys whipping this motley crew harmonically-shipshape.

GRACE DARLING – Steers the crew steady amidst the turbulent seas of bad harmonies and bum notes.

BABY DARLING – The youngest EVER member of an all-female sea shanty crew in the world. Probably.

SALTY DARLING – Possessor of a fiercely dry sense of humour, making us chuckle with her escapades and unique observations.

VIKING DARLING – The Nordic one, keeps us howling with laughter with her comic timing and theatricality.

CAULKHEAD DARLING – Historian, custodian of all facts nautical, and general lanky show-off.

RANDY DANDY DARLING – Jack(ess?) of all trades musical – especially if it involves hitting something hard.

Band Members

Ali Cater Laura Tanner Yael Bebb Kate Wight Sam Johnson Emily Barnes



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