Tales in song of nautical adventure from landlocked lovers of the sea
We are the best sea shanty singing crew based in Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire. We sing traditional songs of the sea which include beer, women, whaling and sailing and have a load of fun along the way. We can liven up your party or corporate event pubs, clubs, festivals, community days and charitable events. We perform in many venues including pubs (of course), festivals, museums, community days, and charitable events. We even have some special Christmas songs to mix in at that time of year
Sloop Groggy Dogs sing traditional shanties with high energy and a passion that connects with audiences of all ages. Their shows are both engaging and memorable, raising many thousands of pounds for the RNLI and other charities.
Band Members
Iain Clapham James Cooper John Hilton Stephen Royle Andy Shaw Barry Short (RIP) Colin Smith Bob Stott
Contact Information
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom