The Steepholmers are an a cappella sea shanty group that formed in Weston-super-Mare in early summer 2018, with a little help from a certain popular video game with a nautical theme (seriously). We meet every Wednesday for rehearsal 7.30pm until 9pm (please call Robin on 07790 156 486 if you would like to join us) and perform a range of popular sea shanties while always remaining keen on learning new ones to enhance our repertoire. Some of us like dressing up a bit – think tricorn hats and the ‘Poldark’ look you won’t be too far off.

We are the resident shanty group at the Fork n Ale Taproom, in Weston-super-Mare, performing at our regular 3rd Wednesday monthly ‘Shanty Night’ with invited guest bands. We also perform for community groups, events, and festivals.

We take no fee for performing and collect donations for the RNLI in Weston-super-Mare and our local Lions Club.  The Steepholmers Shanty Band is a registered charity


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