TOUE SABORD invites you to let go of the moorings for a trip between the Loire and the sea.  Originally from the region around Blois in France, the group has existed since 2003, the result of the meeting of some singers and musicians imbued with Breton culture and passionate about the ocean and songs of the river Loire.

In its current formation, Toue Sabord is composed of six musicians, singers and singers who are accompanied by various instruments. 

Their repertoire, initially composed only of traditional songs, has since evolved with the introduction of contemporary songs but also many compositions written by the group. 

15/11/2016: After the success of their last concert at the Monsabré Theatre in Blois, the six musicians of Toue Sabord left Suèvres, their home port, on Thursday morning for a tour of southern Germany. For a week, a dozen concerts are scheduled around Waldshut, a city located on the Swiss border, on the banks of the Rhine, and twinned with Blois.

A film about the Loire was also shot by German friends during their last visit. It will assist Toue Sabord’s songs in building bridges between the banks of the Loire and those of the Rhine. We should not take our artists for only freshwater sailors however, as they already left last June for Falmouth in England to sing for the benefit of the sea rescuers of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI). Should we see it as the beginnings of an international success?

Note: A “toue” is a traditional boat of the River Loire in France 20 to 30m in length. It is a type of ferry with a shallow draught, also used as a traditional river fishing boat both with or without a cabin. They have a wide bow, are used in particular around oyster flats and for salmon fishing, and also for the extraction of sand, or the transport of passengers or goods. 

“Sabord” is French for a gun port or opening in the side of a ship.


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