“A mixed voice chorus which Benny Graham put together for the 1993 Tall Ships Race .. what started as a twelve week project continues to the present day. The chorus operates an open door policy so if you want to pop in and join us, either as a visitor or possibly longer term, COME AND SING….We meet at the Tyneside Irish Centre, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Meetings every Monday at 7.30 P.M.”

— Facebook

Geoff Grainger reports that there is an unpublished songbook that the chorus uses.  He provides a list of songs from between 2011 and 2014.

The webpage for this group, http://www.bennygraham.com/maritime.htm, no longer has a target page.

General Information



Band Members

Benny Graham Dennis Heckels Caroline Marie Thompson (former member)

Contact Information



Newcastle upon Tyne


United Kingdom
