“Les Voix de la Mer” is a mixed singing group based in Pouldreuzic, Finistère France.

The association has set itself the objective of renewing the interpretation of the traditional songs that accompanied the work, the moments of relaxation and nostalgia of the sailors of the sailing ships. It also integrates into its diversified and always renewed repertoire, contemporary compositions and songs of traditional Breton dances.

Thanks to the mix of the group, the practice of counter-singing offers a particular harmony to the interpretation of the different melodies. Many concerts: ” Quimper Fête de la musique, Douarnenez Fête Maritime, Beuzec Cap Sizun Fête des Bruyères, Audierne Route de l’Amitié, Plozevet Mondial Folk etc…” animations in campsites and retirement homes as well as the recording of 2 CDs: “Sacred Rafiot and Penn Sardin“, have helped to make us known and appreciated.

The group is 15 years old!

The few pioneers who are still part of the group are not even surprised. These 15 years have passed so quickly because they are very well filled.

In 2008, the workshop “chants de marins” of the Dihun association led by Jean Charles Goulo transformed under the impetus of all the participants into an autonomous association: “Les Voix de la Mer”.  One of its particularities is, from its creation, the search for a balance between the voices of women and the voices of men accompanied by 4 musicians.

Note: A contact sheet is available on their website: 


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