New Zealand’s Most ‘Sea Worthy’ Shanty Group™ have been belting out traditional sea songs from Aotearoa, France, Spain, the UK and more, since time immemorial (2012). Sailors and landlubbers from across the world have been battered by the rousing chorus of this two-man (or more) tempest of pure shanty. The W.S.S.S believe that ‘a shanty shared is a shanty savoured’, so they pass out shanty song sheets so people can sing along.The W.S.S.S comprise Vorn Dont le Père Etait Marin, from the indie pop band Vorn, and Lake Davineer. Vorn is on squeeze box duties, while Lake strums the git-fiddle. Rousing harmonies and raucous foot-stomping abound! They also perform as a 4 piece with drums and fiddle.

Look out for our new EP ‘Sea Shanties of the 70s, 80s and Today!’ out on August 30.

‘The Great Sea Shanty Treasure Hunt of 2022’ is finished …

Order tour tickets here.




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North Island

New Zealand
