
Jonathan Eberhart (1942 – 2003)

“Jonathan Eberhart, stalwart singer and prime scholar of the Boarding Party had to give it up as MS got the better of him. He’s now virtually bed-ridden. When he was till working, he was Space Editor for Science magazine. Tom McHenry, the rich-voiced bass (or tenor, when they needed one) retired from his Washington job and is off at some seminary studying to be an Episcopal (I think) priest (or whatever they call their clergy). K.C. King (our Mudcat member) is living in the deep south, having left Washington moons ago. Bob Hitchcock, one of two Brits in the original group, is spending much of his time developing a recording studio in the Washington area. He first left the group to be a part of “The New St. George.” David Diamond, the other Brit, is now in the Boston area, and we saw him at NEFFA a few days ago. He writes wonderful, often satirical songs, and still sings whenever he gets a chance.

“Eberhart has a solo recording on Folk-Legacy also, titled Life’s Trolley Ride. McHenry sang with Rock Creek also, a trio that included Mudcatter and former Camsco entrepreneur Wally Macnow and Bill Destler. These three contribute significantly to Folk-Legacy’s one recording of all folk gospel stuff titled Sharon Mountain Harmony.”

From a 19 April 2000 Mudcat Café post by Sandy Paton, Folk Legacy Records

The Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society manages the Jonathan Eberhart Planetary Sciences Journalism Award.

Longtime readers will mourn the death last week of Jonathan Eberhart, following a long illness. A legend among science writers, he covered the birth and adolescence of space flight and exploration for Science News from 1960 to 1991. He was also a renowned folk-music writer and performer.  For 3 decades within our pages, Jonathan Eberhart chronicled space science and exploration, winning kudos along the way. But hobbled by multiple sclerosis, he retired from journalism early–in 1991. On Feb. 18, at 60, he died from complications of the disease.  — Memorial article from Science News.

The Washington Post published an obituary for Eberhart, which is a highly recommended read.

He left no immediate survivors, except all of us, the members of the maritime music community.

Contact Information

The Boarding Party

Contact Information for Band Member


District of Columbia

