The Baltic Shanty Festival 2024 is held in conjunction with the Tall Ships Race 24-27 July.
The Baltic Shanty Festival The organizing association Shanty Society Pommern organized the festival in 2015, 2016 and 2018. Artists from about ten countries offered salty songs with traditions from the time of the large sailing ships. We were looking forward to being able to organize the festival in the summer of 2022, but the corona pandemic meant that the festival could not be carried out. Now in the summer of 2024, we are happy to once again be able to offer a journey in the imagination across the seven seas during the Tall Ships Race and relive the environment on board and at the harbour restaurant.
Musical Acts
AlbaTross Ashore for a Loaf Armstrong's Patent Buoys of Ballisodare, The Carapata Chris Roche Eight Bells Figurehead Journey's End (aka Cornish, Dale & Truin) Lösa Boliner Monkeys Fist Munviga NOR Nordre Skur og Ballast North Cape O'Really Robert Palomo Shanty Sisters Sistranda Mannskor Steve Turner Swedish Sailor Tidens Brus