On November 29, 2024 Mordecai BenHershel announced on Facebook that Quinn’s Lighthouse was no longer supporting this gathering. The regulars and the Sons of the Buccaneers will be seeking a new venue after the 2024-2025 holiday season.
To those of you who haven’t heard, Quinn’s Lighthouse is hosting Chantey Nights again on the first and third Thursday evenings with the Sons of the Buccaneers starting at 8pm in the restaurant. The lighthouse features a New American Asian menu.
The SOBs (Sons of the Buccaneers) thank our guests for their donations of “Spinach” both tangibly and digitally, and thank you to Bessie, Ellie, Sara, Audrey, Aja, Dennis, Mugg Muggles, Alaina, Amanda, Micha, Dorian, and last but not least Cynthis P.
So good to enjoy your company.
[Shared on Facebook by Mordecai BenHershel on 14 September 2024]
Musical Acts
Sons of the Buccaneers Skip Henderson