
Sunday, October 27, 2024 is Sea Shanty Sunday!

Join us for fun, old-timey sailing songs, drinks, bad jokes, and a good time!  Pirate attire and singing talent are always welcome, but never required.

Shanties will begin at 4:00pm!

Our host venue is

Lakeland VFW Post 8002
9398 US Hwy 98 N,
Lakeland, FL  33809

The VW is a nonprofit that serves and supports veterans, their families, and communities.  All food and beverage purchases at the event go to support the VFW and its causes.  In October, the VFW is hosting a food drive.  If you are able, please bring new, unexpired, non-refrigerated food items.  The VFW will donate these items to veterans and families in need.

As of now, we meet the 4th Sunday of each month and you can look us up on Facebook.  We try to keep it updated with events as much as possible and its always a guaranteed good time.

The VFW has a full bar, serves food, and we’ve received very positive feedback from all new and regular attendees.

No membership is required!  This is a public event and all are welcome, regardless of your service background.

There is no contact name or email listed that the MMDI editors have been able to discover.  To contact this group you must join their Facebook group, listed below.

Here is a link to the PDF version of our printed shanty booklet.  We bring physical copies every night to help with sing-alongs and our head shantyman recently updated it!

Musical Acts

Bernnie Victoria David

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