
Ken Stephens performed here in 2002, and Baggyrinkle also performed here at some point.

Medemblik is best known in Europe for its sailing events. Medemblik further has a picturesque small inner city with many houses from the 17th and 18th century, two big churches, an old orphanage, a town hall and, of course, castle Radboud, which is just at the border of the inner city. The city also hosts the Medemblik steam museum, housed in a decommissioned pumping station. [Wikipedia]

Does anyone know anything about the Netherlands’ Medemblik Seasong and Shanty Festival? I know Ken Stevens performed there in 2002, and Baggyrinkle also performed there sometime in the last 20 years. Other than these snippets I can find no other information about it. Help would be most appreciated! – Dean Calin (mmdi@seashanties4all.com)

General Information


North Holland



Ken Stephens Baggyrinkle